After a massive weekend of Racing at Challenge Shepparton last weekend most off our team were out to pasture recovering. In Queensland we had very own favourite TA technical official Christo Jocobie put down his whistle and cards and take on the Harvey Bay 100. Christo had an amazing day after only being part of the #thriveteam since July coming home with a 45 min long course distance pb. Back at home Markcus Brown did a fun run to get his body moving again after Hawaii. It only consisted off 50km running 60 obstacles and 2600m elevation gain. Who else thinks this would a Fun ?

Hervey Bay 100
Christo Jacobie 4:57:08 45 min PB

Sparton Bright 50 km
Markcus Crown 8:59:00
Next weekend we will be back in force at the first off the 2xu sprint series in Elwood as well as Xterra cross tri bendigo. Unlit then don't just train when you can Thrive.